Summer Long Event

Annual Photo Contest
Members can submit their best photo in six different categories, including i) Life at the Cottage, ii) Action, iii) Landscape, iv) Nature, v) Photos by Kids, vi) Photos by Tweens. You can also submit a short video.
Click here for more information.

Sunday, June 30, 2019
Canada Day Fireworks
Date: Sunday, June 30th, 2019
Time: 9:00 pm (Come earlier for French fries…)
Rain Date: TBD
Location: Cochranes’ boat launch at 1035 the North Road. Anchor your boat out front or bring your lawn chairs to their
shoreline. Donation of $25 per family viewing the show is requested in advance.

Saturday, July 6th, 2019
Regatta & Barbecue
On Saturday July 6th,Time: 11:00 am @ The Beach
Come and meet your friends and neighbours at the Regatta!
Bring your own kayaks, canoes, paddles and life jackets. Medals will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers.
BBQ to follow. Steenburg Lake merchandise will be on sale.
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Saturday, July 20th, 2019
Road Clean Up
On Saturday, July 20th,
North Road – Meet at the Beach
South Road – Meet at the first Y in the road
Time: 9:30 am
Garbage bags will be provided. Please try to bring your own work gloves.
Refreshments will be served following the event.
Reminder to high school aged students: Participation in this event can be applied towards community volunteer hours.
Bring your forms!!!
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Saturday, July 27, 2019
Artisans of Steenburg - Arts & Crafts Exhibition
On Saturday, July 27th,
Location: The Sobotka's at 944 Steenburg Lake North Road
Time: 11 am to 2 pm
Contact: Lynn Rusaw @ (613) 202 2365 to register as an exhibitor
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Sunday, August 4, 2019
Annual General Meeting
On Sunday, August 4th, 2019
Continental Breakfast: 9:30 am Meeting: 10:00 am
Location: TUDOR/CASHEL Community Centre, 371 Weslemkoon Lake Rd. Gimour, Ontario.
All members are encouraged to attend. Get the latest updates on issues facing our community, and what your SLCA is
doing to protect our lake.
Have your say and cast your vote on any SLCA motions or Executive elections.
Come meet with friends and neighbours, enjoy some treats and refreshments and have chances to win some great door
prizes! Steenburg Lake merchandise will be on sale.
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Saturday, August 10th, 2019

Fun Run
The Steenburg Lake Fun Run will take place on Saturday, August 10th, 2019
9:30 am – check off your name and get your race number
Race Starts: 10:00 am
Distance: 5km for runners and walkers…(or walk until you’ve had enough)
Where: LOCATION - Steenburg Lake Road South (at Hwy 62 Entrance).
Fee: $5 per person…includes a t-shirt and snack
T-Shirts will be available for pre-registered runners ONLY!!
Prizes: Prizes will be awarded to both males and females who finish 1st, 2nd
and 3rd in their age categories.
Contact: Christiane Langman (519) 939-6665
Registration information can be found by clicking here .
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Saturday, August 24th, 2019

Charity Golf Tournament
A Steenburg Lake Charity Golf Tournament will take place on Saturday, August 24th, 2019
Location: Bancroft Ridge Golf Course (front 9 hole course)
Tee-Off: 11:00 am – please arrive by 10:30am
Fee: $60 per person, includes Golf,Cart and Lunch ($50 if walking)
(All golfers must by 18 years of age or older)
Lunch Only: $25
All proceeds of the tournament will be donated to the North Hastings Children's Services.
Donations or Prizes are welcome.
Contact: Karl Sobotka (613) 334-6145
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Saturday, August 31, 2019
"Have-A-Dock" Jamboree, Dockside Concert
On Saturday, August 31, 2019 at 4:00pm, the musical group "Claidhmor" will perform Scottish, Irish and east coast songs.
This waterfront concert will be held at the dock of Fred and Karen Cotie (#727 North Road [#30B], across from the Cochrane's). Feel free to anchor your boats out front and enjoy the entertainment.
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